Let us accompany a single
liposome on its way
through the body .....
On the diameter of a
hair there is
space for around
500 liposomes
After ingestion, it en-
ters the stomach, which
it passes unchanged.
From the stomach, it is
transported to the small
intestine. Unlike other
contents, it is not broken
down here.....
....but are absorbed by the
finger-shaped intestinal
villi which protrude into
the interior of the intes-
tine and whose surface
consists of even finer villi.
The tissue is interspersed
with the finest blood
vessels which absorb the
liposome. The liposome is
transported with the blood
to places all over the body
where it is needed.
On contact with a cell, the lipo-
some envelope fuses with the
cell wall because both are made
of the same material. The con-
tent of the liposome - the vita-
min C - thus enters the cell
interior, where it unfolds its